Distant Reiki
When you send distant Reiki, understand that although some people tell you they want the Reiki, they might unconsciously reject
it. Try to always place in your sending the intent that the energy be sent elsewhere where it may be needed (maybe to another
person you know whom needs it) if it is not accepted by the recipient.If the recipient is unconscious, or you cannot get
an answer from the person directly, ask God, which is the source of the energy. If you feel uneasy or resistance, that should
tell you it is not being accepted. If the Reiki pours easily from your hands, then it's probable that the recipient is accepting
Rub your hands together and say, "reiki on." This will turn on the reiki energy for healing. Sit in a quiet place and with
your intention send the energy to the person requesting a distance healing for approximately 8 minutes (no more, no less).
When you're done, rub your hands again and say, "reiki off." This will turn off the reiki energy for healing. It's that simple!