Usui Shiki Ryoho - Level I Manual
by Rosita Tanza
Reiki is a natural system of energy healing (or spiritual healing) performed by a practitioner laying the hands on or near a series of locations on the recipient, and running the Reiki Energy. This energy is the life force that permeates the universe. This energy flows through the practitioner, but it is not generated by the practitioner. This method is to help body and spirit with intuitive power. Reiki practitioners can also work remotely (at a distance). These remote techniques are usually taught at the second degree level.
No, it is not a religion. It is very spiritual in nature, but there is no belief system attached to it, nor is there any required in order to learn and use it.
Reiki can be used to alleviate or heal physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional suffering. This means that Reiki can heal. This is not a guarantee that a person will be relieved of any ailment with a single or with multiple Reiki treatments. In most cases, Reiki does enhance the effects of medical treatment when used along it. Reiki can do no harm and cannot be used for any harmful purpose. Reiki enhances the body's natural ability to heal itself, and can increase the body's stamina and vitality. Reiki treatments promote relaxation and reduce stress. Reiki will go wherever it is most needed in the body and aura. It helps to cleanse the body of energetic and physical toxins, and to harmonize and balance the total person.
Reiki will work whether you believe in it or not. Reiki does not use medical equipment nor crystals. Every creation of God has healing power, especially human beings, whom are created in God's image. Reiki materializes the healing power that humans have. Practitioners of Reiki can also self-heal, and bring healing to all living creatures (plants, animals, insects, etc.).
Dr. Mikao Usui was a Buddhist medical doctor in Japan. He was head of a Christian Boys' School in Japan, and he did like Jesus' philosophy. One day, some of the students asked him if he believed in the miracles which Jesus did, such as healing, etc. He answered "Yes." They asked if he knew how Jesus had done this. "No," he replied. With this, he resolved to find the way in which Jesus had healed. This immediately set him on a journey of many years.
Studying first at Christian schools in the US, for where else to learn of Jesus, but with no results. In the Christian schools, the method was not known.
It was suggested to him that he study Buddhist writings, since Buddha had also healed. This took more years of studying at a monastery in the Orient. Nowhere could he find the answers. In Japan he toured many temples asking for knowledge of how Buddha had healed. Each one the priests said they were more concerned with spiritual than physical well being. In one small monastery he found some ancient Sanskrit writings from India (or perhaps Tibet). After a few more years of study, he felt he had come to an understanding and that to go further required in depth meditation. He declared to the monks of this monastery his intention to fast and meditate for 21 days at a nearby mountain and that if he did not come back they should come and get his body. On the last day of the meditation Dr. Usui had a spectacular epiphany experience during which he was shown how to activate the energy and give the gift of Reiki, the healing by laying on of hands.
He then came down the mountain performing miraculous healings. After consulting with his mentor, he later set off into the world doing good works, teaching Reiki, and healing the sick with his newly-given gift, all the while learning many important lessons about human nature.
This is when a Reiki Master or Teacher passes on the ability to channel the Reiki energy to a student of Reiki. This will also serve to balance the student's body and spirit, and connect the student to the ability to run reiki energy by means of a direct transmission to your energy body (spirit).
An attunement is usually given during instruction of Reiki techniques. Reiki is usually taught in three levels as follows: Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III, with III being the Master level. In level one, the student is taught basic techniques for hands on treatment for self and others. In Level two, the student learns techniques for remote healing. Level three adds a spiritual or intuitive healing energy function. It also adds the ability to attune others to use Reiki themselves and the ability to become a teacher of reiki.
Any person can be attuned to Reiki. In order for anyone to personally connect with Reiki and use this energy system for themselves and for others they must receive an attunement (also called an initiation or empowerment). This is a transformation to the energy field (spirit). The attunement is permanent and remains always with you.
Reiki must be used regularly in order to continue the personal spiritual development that Reiki helps make possible. The person should have a sincere desire to help themselves and a willingness to practice and use Reiki for the benefit of all life. It's possible for many people to feel the attunement as it is done. It may feel as heat or waves of energy flowing into their body. They may also see light or even images, or hear music. Some may experience vivid dreams after attunements. Don't worry if you do not have any of these experiences. Just know that you are receiving the energy.
It is highly recommended that you drink lots of water after an attunement. This will help to release any toxins from your body that the attunement has cleaned. This is part of your own healing process. Sometimes symptoms show up as physical or emotional release such as an excess of gas, diarrhea, or moodiness. This is called detoxification. Most people do not have any noticeable effects of this kind. A few people have reported a lot of emotional processing for up to 3 weeks or 21 days after an attunement.
It is important that you know that there is no one right way to give treatments. Everyone has their own style they are comfortable with. Before you begin a treatment on another person you may want to do a self treatment to ground, center and clear your own energy field. It's not a requirement, but it will prepare you to give the treatment. Just rub your hands together and say, "reiki on." Place your hands on the crown of your head, or one palm on the forehead and the other palm on the back of the head. Self-heal for about 8 minutes (no more than 10 minutes). Then, rub your hands again and say, "reiki off" to turn off the reiki healing power.
Greet your client and discuss with them what they can expect from Reiki. Answer any questions they have. Ask them about their reasons for seeking Reiki treatment and what they expect from Reiki. Tell your client what you will be doing. Some practitioners have a form and history to be filled out; others do not follow this model so closely. Make sure that if an exchange is involved, that is, payment or barter, the details are clear and mutually agreeable.
Remind the client that you are not a medical practitioner, and that Reiki is never a substitute for medical treatment. Treatments can be repeated more than once, in case a client so desires, or if symptoms have not changed or become worse.
Have your client remove their shoes, glasses and any bulky jewelry which might get snagged . They will remain fully clothed. Some people fear that jewelry will interfere or block the energy, but it does not. In fact, such items can absorb a reservoir of Reiki energy .
Have the person lie down on a massage table, or if a table is not available, another sturdy table, such as a kitchen or dining table with a pad of some sort, or a bench ,couch, bed or floor if that is comfortable for both of you can be used . Treatments can also be done with the client seated. If the recipient becomes cold, have a light blanket available to cover them. A pillow or pillows is useful for arranging for maximum comfort, especially when treating the back.
Sometimes emotional clearing occurs during a treatment and can result in the client crying. Have some tissues handy, in case it's needed. If the person being treated cries do not interrupt the treatment to give them tissues, or it may result in a reduction of the healing release. If the recipient feels that your hands are too hot, or feel any pain or discomfort, if they wish to stop the treatment or continue. Most people will choose to continue, and may feel a healing release. If someone desires to end the treatment early for any reason, then stop giving Reiki.
Wash your hands before and after giving a treatment whenever possible to make sure your hands are clean and that you don't have any distracting odor on them. Washing your hands also helps give you time for a symbolic entry into the best mental state for the treatment, and after the treatment as a way to distinguish your treatment time from your routine. You might carry disposable washcloths if you often do treatments "on the road".
If you and your client both agree, you might have pleasant music playing (unless you or your client are distracted by the music). There are music CDs designed for Reiki treatments and similar work. Many people burn incense or use an aromatherapy oil in a diffuser, but always inquire if your client has allergies before using a fragrance, and use only genuine essential oil if possible. You might offer a cup of Herb tea or water after a session. Clients should always be encouraged to drink lots of water after the session for many of the same reasons as drinking water after an attunement.
Allow the energies to flow. Separate yourself from the desire for any particular outcome.
Your intention should be to give the treatment, but not to try to create any particular result. Set your personal intention that you and the treatment will do only good. First, rub your hands and say, "reiki on" to commence the healing session (please check my "Reiki FAQS" section to read more details on the amount of time to spend on a client). You will place your hands in the position you start with and continue through them until done.
You should be comfortable when providing the treatment. Relax and don't tense up.
The Reiki energy will ebb and flow during treatment, but will usually only need to be turned on at the beginning, though you may choose to reactivate the energy if you don't feel the energy flow fluidly. .
During hands-on treatments, the hand position is changed each time the energy tapers off. If the practitioner does not feel energy, they can leave their hand in each position for 5 to 6 minutes, but no longer than that.
Please place your hands gently. There should be no weight or pressure applied. Some clients do like to feel your hands placed solidly and will try to strain to reach up if your touch is too light, but in any case you, do not push or let your hands lay heavily on the recipient. You can even keep your hands about an inch away in the aura without touching the body. Reiki does not use massage or tissue manipulation. Your hands are simply held gently on or over each position until the energy ebbs. A bit of intention or attention is needed, but not intense effort or will. Should you become distracted and feel that the energy has stopped, just restart it by intending to do so.
To finish the Reiki session, whisk away with your hands any negative energy that may remain on the treated part. You can "command" the negative energy off your hands so that you will not absorb any of it unto your own body. The Reiki flows from one hand to the other, so by finishing, one helps to effect an energetic balance. Sweeping the aura three times from top to bottom and again from bottom to top is another popular and effective way to finish. Then, rub your hands again and say, "reiki off" to turn off the reiki healing power.
1. HEAD (stand at top of their head)
Crown (top of the head)
Under the head
Upper chest (V)
2. ARMS (right side then left)
Upper chest
Breast (get permission first or work a few inches above in the air)
Ribs (criss cross 2 or 3 times)
Lower abdomen (criss cross 2 or 3 times)
First V than T to groin
T to upper chest
Knees (right than left)
Ankles (right than left)
Arches of feet (right then left)
Toes (right then left)
Standing on the clients right side help them to flip over onto their stomach.
Starting at shoulders cris cross your hands down their spine
V the base of the spine
T the shoulders
2. HEAD (stand at top of their head)
The following hand positions are normaly used in Usui Reiki for self-healing:
Please Click Here for Reiki Treatment Guide and Hand Positions to Treat Others